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Thai Yoga Massage. Including TYM for Pre and Post Natal.
Monica Giacomin has spent over twenty years studying, researching, practicing and teaching movement in different forms. Monica is a Pilates Teacher, a Thai Yoga Masseur and a self taught Yoga practitioner.With a background in performance Monica draws from a wealth of experience to create an approach that best meets the needs of each individual client she works with.
What is Thai Yoga Massage?
TYM (Thai Yoga Massage) is an ancient holistic practice rooted in the Indian systems of Yoga and Ayurveda. TYM uses an energy line system (think Chinese Medicine meridians for a more familiar example), through which the body’s natural life force flows. Blockages in these energy pathways will cause aches, pains and disease. The principal aim of TYM is to release blocked energy and to free the body’s healing potential, restoring balance and harmony.
What will happen in a TYM session?
The practitioner uses her thumbs, palms, elbows, knees and feet to apply gentle pressure, rocking and twisting movements and stretches. The practitioner uses body weight instead of strength and a steady rhythm supported by the flow of breath. The work is supported by mindfulness, awareness and concentration.
What affect is the TYM having?
TYM can be of great therapeutic benefit for a range of specific problems and conditions. As muscles are stretched, inner organs are toned and emotional and nervous tensions are balanced.
Who can benefit from TYM?
TYM can greatly aid musculo-skeletal issues such as back pain, knee pain, shoulder and neck tension, general joint pain and post-traumatic tissue imbalance and restrictions. It can support better range of movement in joints and assists alignment and the postural integrity of the body. It is especially effective for numbness or loss of feeling in certain conditions – such as Multiple Sclerosis or after a stroke. TYM also helps with menstruation problems, headaches, insomnia and other stress related conditions as well as digestive disorders, breathing and circulation. It is also a wonderful treatment to receive during pregnancy.
Monica is offering private sessions at the Petts Wood studio. Please contact Monica directly for availability.

Photo by Kyle Stevenson